Saturday, May 17, 2008

Race Report: Greensboro Girls on the Run 5K

Local Girls on the Run teams celebrated the end of the semester with a 5k run Saturday morning at The Canterbury School in Greensboro, NC. There were approximately 200 runners, many under the age of 12. No pre-race jitters here--look at the kids having a blast just minutes before race time!

The race course was bad, the cause was good, and the weather was fantastic! The course: out and back along Old Lake Jeannette Road, going up and down three cul-de-sacs along the way--we had to run up and down one cul-de-sac twice! The cause: Girls on the Run, a self-esteem building program for younger girls. The weather: sunny, no humidity, and about 60 degrees. Despite my head cold, I ran a decent race: 32:57 gun time, and 32:40 on my watch.

I'm not in this finish-line photo. I took that shot before the race started. When I crossed the finish line, the scene was much different. All of the supporters and runners who finished before me were cheering and screaming. I slapped fives with several boys as I entered the finisher's coral. Girls on the Run is about knowing you can finish the race, not about finishing first. For a short weekend run, look for a Girls on the Run 5K race in your area!

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